Manfred Schawaller started his industrial career at DiaMed in Cressier
FR Switzerland developing platelet antigen and antibody tests based on
ELISA technology. Subsequently he developed as project leader an
innovative biosensor technology based on total internal reflection
fluorimetry TIRF, evanescence technology. Team building and coordination
of all product components starting from chemistry, biology, hardware
and software engineering, pilot production and market development. The
evanescence biosensor technology led to the formation of the startup
company Davos Diagnostics where he developed a new in-vitro diagnostic
company from the beginning, buiding a company from the very beginning
and involved developing a product idea, the company organisation,
developing and implementing a quality management system according to ISO
and a production process. MS has a broad experience in product
development starting right from the beginning of a laboratory test till
the marketing of a final product for IVD use. He has extensive
experience in the process of obtaining, maintaining and protection of
intellectual property.By training Manfred Schawaller is an organic chemist with a PhD in protein chemistry and cell biology. A post-doctoral training in virology deepened his biology knowhow, he masters protein engineering, eukaryotic protein expression recombinant viruse. During his industrial career he was a member of evaluation groups for new R&D projects and served for fourteen years in the Swiss Commission for Technology and Innovation in the life science team (CTI).